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Making Help Authoring a Pleasure To Do

HelpSmith 2.0 released

So we are pleased to annouce the release of HelpSmith 2.0. It took us some extra time to test out and prepare the final build in fact. However, now I can say that everything works just fine. Working on a help file with the brand new Dynamic Styles feature is nice. I think the users who have already purchased the latest version (or upgraded from an earlier HelpSmith version) will agree with me.

There are other improvements as well. We have finally completed the Search functionality for the Web Help format, so a WebHelp system now works in a regular browser program the way as if it were a compiled CHM file and you can now consider Web Help as an alternative help format to CHM when the latest one cannot be accessed via network, for example. Or, simply refer to this article explaining how you can solve those known CHM-related issues.

HelpSmith 2.0 includes a series of minor bug fixes and improvements to the built-in word processor, user interface, and so on. Now you can also export the generated Printed Manual into your preferred word processor (a feature requested by some users) if you need so for any reason. Though, of course, it can be printed out from HelpSmith directly.

Read more about HelpSmith 2.0 at the article by R.Richardson “Help Authoring on Steroids”.