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Making Help Authoring a Pleasure To Do

How to Use Styles to Quickly Format Content in Your Documentation

Many HelpSmith users have already appreciated the enhanced support for styles introduced in HelpSmith 10.1. This feature allows you to easily setup and update the formatting of content in your project, as well as structure the content in a topic, similarly to how it is done in MS Word and other major editors. The ability […]

Using Styles to Format and Structure Content

HelpSmith is a Silver Winner of the Visual Studio Magazine 2021 Reader’s Choice Awards!

This is the second consecutive year that HelpSmith has been chosen as the Silver winner in the “help authoring” category of the Visual Studio Magazine 27th annual Reader’s Choice Awards. Silver Winner in the Help Authoring Category The readers of the Visual Studio Magazine who voted on more than 400 products have selected the best […]

Silver Winner of the Visual Studio Magazine 2021 Reader’s Choice Awards

HelpSmith is a Visual Studio Magazine Reader’s Choice Award Winner!

This year HelpSmith has been honored to have received the Visual Studio Magazine Reader’s Choice Award. The winners of the 26th annual Reader’s Choice Awards were chosen by the readers of Visual Studio Magazine who voted on tools, products, and services which help developers work with Visual Studio IDE, and accomplish other tasks related to […]

Visual Studio Magazine Reader's Choice Award 2020

Built-in HTTP Server for Testing Your Web Help System

In recent HelpSmith releases we implemented a built-in web server for testing a compiled Web Help system on the local computer. A full-featured HTTP server makes it possible for you to avoid limitations that modern browsers apply to local HTML pages, so you can now fully test your Web Help system before you upload it […]

Accessing a Web Help System from the Local HTTP Server

Creating ePub eBooks with HelpSmith

With the release of HelpSmith 7.1 we have added support for the ePub output format making it possible for you to create cross-platform ePub eBooks directly from your help projects. In this post we will overview the key features of the ePub format. About the ePub Format ePub is the format designed to create and […]

An ePub eBook Created with HelpSmith in Adobe Digital Editions

The new appearance for our Web Help system

As you may know, HelpSmith provides flexible possibilities to customize the appearance of a Web Help system allowing you to select one of the ready-to-use style schemes or to create your own style manually. As an example, we have created a new appearance for our own Web Help system, so it now fits to the […]

A New Website and Summer Discounts!

We have just launched a new website for HelpSmith that demonstrates the main possibilities of our help authoring tool. You can view screenshots of the product, download an evaluation copy, or contact us with any questions or suggestions by submitting a support ticket. Also, currently we have a special offer: you can purchase a full-featured […]

Testimonial Page Updated

We are glad that HelpSmith receives positive rates and feedback from our existing customers and from people who are yet in the process of evaluating different help authoring tools for their tasks. We constantly collect such testimonials while communicating with HelpSmith users and publish them, with a permission from their authors,  on our website from […]

Better UX through Better UA

The Conference for User Assistance Memphis * March 11-14 The focus of the Conference for Software User Assistance is on developing the best possible user experience for all types of software applications through well-designed interfaces and helpful and accessible support information. Featuring 35 of the top experts in the user assistance field. All the details […]

HelpSmith Updates, Tech Support, and Windows 7

Latest version updates of HelpSmith, which introduced new features and fixes to some minor issues, have actually made the product one of the most quality help authoring tools available on the market today. And this is confirmed mainly by the feedback we get from HelpSmith users everyday. We are nevertheless working hard on making the […]