Many HelpSmith users have already appreciated the enhanced support for styles introduced in HelpSmith 10.1. This feature allows you to easily setup and update the formatting of content in your project, as well as structure the content in a topic, similarly to how it is done in MS Word and other major editors. The ability […]
In HelpSmith, you can use the Import feature (File|Import) to import content stored in various formats (including Word documents, .HTML files, compiled .CHM files, etc.), which can be used to import documentation created with other help authoring tools. However, when you import content that was created with another application, it often requires additional editing, which […]
HelpSmith allows you to use variables in different places of your help project. When you compile your help project as a CHM help file, Web Help system, or PDF document, all variables are replaced with their actual values. For example, you can use system variables to display the current date and time, the help file’s […]
Working on a help file or manual in HelpSmith (which you can download from our website), you can easily add images, capture screenshots, add various annotations, insert videos, and other visual elements that allow you to complement the texts of your documentation, and efficiently convey a specific topic to the end-users. However, as a user […]
Web Help is the primary format that is used by many HelpSmith users to create and publish online documentation on a website. While Web Help provides all the features of a complete help system including the Table of Contents, keyword Index, full-text Search capability, and the possibility to provide Context-Sensitive Help, you might ask how […]
HelpSmith users often ask us how to move or copy an entire help project to another computer or storage device properly. In fact, this task is easy to do since HelpSmith stores the help project’s data in a single .HSM file and the files such as images and videos used in the help project are […]
The recent release of HelpSmith 7 makes it possible for you to use custom JavaScript and CSS files, and also to edit HTML attributes of any page element in a help topic. This means that now you can implement any functionality and apply any special formatting settings in your HTML Help (CHM) and Web Help […]
If you are using HelpSmith to create your online Web Help system, you can easily provide your users with the possibility to leave their comments and thoughts on any help topic. Step 1: Create a Facebook or Disqus Account To accomplish this task, you should have or register an account on Facebook or Disqus whose […]
If you need to generate a help file for different editions of the same product, or printed manual for different audiences of users from the same source help project, you can use the capabilities of conditional compilation that enables you to include or exclude help topics to or from a particular compilation, and also to […]
If your Web Help system includes topics on most frequent questions and issues, it can significantly save the time that you spend on providing technical support to your users. Actually, all you need to do is to provide the user with a link to a help topic that already answers a specific question. How Do […]